Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year!

Hey guys! I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope that you've all had an awesome 2011 and that 2012 will bring even more joy and happiness. So in other words, no matter how much 2011 rocked, let's make 2012 rock even harder!!

I just want to thank my family, friends and all the wonderful people I've met in my life so far. You're all so amazing and I'm so glad that you've come into my life, even if, for some, it was only for a short time. You've helped me SO much; cheering me on, picking me up when I've fallen and lending your shoulders when I'm at my lowest. Without you all, I don't know what I would have done. Thank you for helping me shine and become the person I am today :)

You know when you have those absolutely perfect moments? And what sucks the most is the fact that you chickened out and totally blew off the moment. I know you know EXACTLY what kind of moments I'm talking about. What I want YOU to do this year is to grab those golden moments like grabbing a bull by its horns. I know that it's hard; you're scared, you don't know what's going to happen, but don't you see? That's the whole beauty of life! The not-knowing. We really should catch what life throws us and NOT let those windows of opportunity close because we never know what's around the corner. It could be that thing you've been dreaming about your whole life or it could be your biggest nightmare. Either way, you're gonna learn something at the end of it, and life is all about learning. Thus, at least you know you're going to get something out of it!

Good luck all XX

1 comment:

  1. I know EXACTLY what you are talking about!!! I want a perfect moment ASAP!! haha"

    love the post!

    love K
