My day consisted of the opposite of nothing. Had to tidy my room, clean the bathroom (I'm trying to soften my mom up by helping out around the house - I need a favor from her), do some school assignments (BORING), if I were the cat, I'd be doing approximately...nothing all day. Every day. I'm so jealous.
So, I mentioned before...I'm trying to soften my mom up because I'm plotting to ask her for some money. I've been online shopping again (GASP!) although I've told Mom I've stopped (GASP!). I know, how very shameful and sinful of me, right? ;D Anyway, so I'm running a little low on the dough so by my calculations, if I help her around the house, and generally play up to the role of The Perfect Daughter, I should be able to squeeze something out of her (urgh. Why am I such a bad human being?!). Yay!
Oh ew. I didn't mean that. Money! I meant money! Dough! Bucks! Americanio dollarisio! Haha, I think I just made up a new language there ;) not very inventive though, am I?
Until next time! xoxo
I totally forgot to tell you guys about something very important and life changing that happened to me last week! I told Perfect E that I liked him. Yes, it was a very strange experience. This is basically what happened...
I told him. Straight up. Along the lines of..."Yo. I like you." LOL no I didn't, it was more like: "C-can I have a word? S-So this is something I've been wanting to say for a while. I'm kind of s-starting to like you more than a f-friend." It was all very cringe-worthy.
His reaction: Smile. And it melted my soul. Oh god, his SMILE! I think he knew what I was about to say before I even said it because he started smiling before my confession. It was like a broad, happy smile. Not a cocky, arrogant stoner smirk. More like a...happy...grin? Though it could have been a aha-I-knew-it mouth twitch. Still made my soul melt.
Then I narrowed my eyes at him, stopped in the middle of my speech to say: "You know!"
To which he responded with: "No, I didn't."
And I acknowledged with a grunt. All the crazy voices in my head were screaming "LIAR!" though. Somehow I don't think it would have ended too well if the voices were outwardly expressed.
Anyway, after my confession, we started walking somewhere. He asked me, "So...what are you doing now?"
Me: "Oh, nothing much."
Him: "Well, I kind of need to do some work so..."
Me: "Oh cool. I'll talk to you later."
Him: "Yeah." *smile*
So tell me, guys...why the HELL would you ask someone what they're up to, if you're busy anyway?! And like, I didn't even ask him what he was up to, but he blurted out, "Well I'm busy" in response to a question that I never asked. Right now, I'm trying to be a very mature person and not start analyzing his every word, the look in his eye (though I can't remember his eyes because I was staring at the ground for most of the time), his posture, his hair, his clothes, his eye color, his skin, his-basically, I'm trying not to do that crazy thing girls usually do and analyze everything. You know what I'm talking about. But it's so hard! He's such a weird person.
But dear lord, he's adorable:)
I think by writing out the play-by-play events of what happened that day, I have just unconsciously analyzed everything. Dammit!
Ooh how exciting! I'm really terrible about the "I like you" talk, because it always goes really poorly. Congrats!