Monday, August 23, 2010

Oh I'm a gypsy. Are you coming with me?

SO SO SO! I went to Spain and now I'm back.

It was really hot in Spain. Not as hot as China, of course (ha!), but it was like, over 80 degrees out. (In China, I'm pretty sure that it was over 100). And OMG OMG OMGGG! Can I just say now that Spanish guys are really hot!! haha xD No, I'm deadly serious! Practically every single male that I saw (between the ages of 15 and 25) were quite.. you know, pretty. ;)

My brother and my dad made us all visit the soccer stadium or something in Barcelona. Largest in Europe?? And then brother got a shirt from a stall outside because we were originally going to buy him a FC-Barcelona soccer shirt but then we saw the prices... it was like $200 *O* NO WAY. For a Topshop item, yes, but for something on soccer? no way hose. LOOL xD I'm kidding haha. But it's still expensive. My brother got a David Villa shirt. What number again? 10 or 7? All I can remember is that the guy who was behind the stall was really cute. He looked like Enrique Iglesias ;) and jesus, he had nice eyes ^_^"

It was really nice in Spain, except that most of the people couldn't speak English much and even if they could, it was with a heavy accent or something, so kind of hard to communicate. Had to resort to hand gestures and eye movements. I suppose it's understandable, because it IS a different country so they have a different language. They maybe learn English at school, just like I learn French at school. But I suck at French haha!

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