Friday, January 29, 2010

These Tears

Don't tell me that isn't true
Don't tell me what I feel for you
Isn't there
Don't tell me that

When I gave you my heart
I never wanted it back
You'll always have a piece
and I feel better somehow
Knowing that we'll always be connected

Did I ever say what I think?
and did I ever let you know?

These tears that fall
down my face
These tears that fall
from my eyes
And you'll never know
These tears that fall
leaving tracks
These tears that I feel that you should know
Fall from me
Because we'll never be.

"I love you, J.A. so much"

Loving you

Jeez. I am in such a bad mood! This is going to be the most negative post that you guys will ever read. Trust me.

Okay, well first... my calves hurt cos I've been over-cheerleading. Seriously, I'm not even kidding. I'm having to practise after-school and i feel like i'm working overtime D:

and I've been trying to download a music video for a groupdub and it just won't download. Talk about your annoyances. It stops at about 72% and I'm like sitting there, waiting and waiting...


Plus, I'm feeling ever so stressed (!). Haha.

And this girl in this project I'm in, like, gives herself all the lines even though she couldn't sing on pitch to save her life. She's like all, "oh my voice is cute and hers is mature. let's keep it that way, yeah?". That is the stupidest pile of shit that I've ever heard. For GOD'S SAKE. Who does she think she is? Ayumi fucking Hamasaki??

I wonder who told her that she could sing. That is practically a sin. Encouraging people who have no chance. Poor girl! Makes me so angry though.

And yeah. I guess that I am a little bit (HA. a LITTLE bit? lol) jealous...! ;)