Sunday, June 12, 2011

Wasn't it easier in your lunchbox days?

I love how Taylor Swift's songs are so easy to relate to. And how they are so realistic! Many songs nowadays are all about love, sex and drugs, but Taylor's are so cute and innocent. Very teenager-like. She is totally my all-time celebrity idol.

It's funny how I freeze up and get all shy around Will. People say that I am really bubbly and perky. It's because he's so beautiful and perfect. I just wish his personality was as perfect. I've been told that he's really funny but his sarcasm can often come across as rude and insensitive. And that although he's good-looking, he would make a really bad boyfriend. It's such a shame; to let all that beauty go to waste. Only thing is, as gorgeous as he is, I personally don't think we'd go together very well because he's insensitive and sarcastic, whilst I am demanding and very sensitive. But we're both really impatient and cynical. So...actually, I don't know HAHA.

I did something rebellious a few days ago. I smoked. o_O!! Lol, actually it's not even that bad. Or rebellious. Though my parents would kill me if they found out.

It doesn't taste that bad, actually. The reason why I'm so surprised is because I hate the smell of it. It always gives me a headache and nausea. It pretty much tastes like how it smells but in your mouth, it's not so bad. Kind of hot but in a nice way (personally).

Also, I think my singing voice has deepened LOL. Like, gone huskier or something. It could because of that cold I got about a week or so ago. I recovered a couple of days ago and that horrible cough has majorly cleared up but it's lingering. I wonder if it was the presence of the cough that made my voice break!!

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