Sunday, March 11, 2012

You build me up, you break me down

My cat is so cool. She was just lying on my bed earlier today. That's all she's been doing. Lying on her belly, doing nothing. NOTHING. Damn, I wish I was a cat.

My day consisted of the opposite of nothing. Had to tidy my room, clean the bathroom (I'm trying to soften my mom up by helping out around the house - I need a favor from her), do some school assignments (BORING), if I were the cat, I'd be doing approximately...nothing all day. Every day. I'm so jealous.

So, I mentioned before...I'm trying to soften my mom up because I'm plotting to ask her for some money. I've been online shopping again (GASP!) although I've told Mom I've stopped (GASP!). I know, how very shameful and sinful of me, right? ;D Anyway, so I'm running a little low on the dough so by my calculations, if I help her around the house, and generally play up to the role of The Perfect Daughter, I should be able to squeeze something out of her (urgh. Why am I such a bad human being?!). Yay!

Oh ew. I didn't mean that. Money! I meant money! Dough! Bucks! Americanio dollarisio! Haha, I think I just made up a new language there ;) not very inventive though, am I?

Until next time! xoxo

I totally forgot to tell you guys about something very important and life changing that happened to me last week! I told Perfect E that I liked him. Yes, it was a very strange experience. This is basically what happened...

I told him. Straight up. Along the lines of..."Yo. I like you." LOL no I didn't, it was more like: "C-can I have a word? S-So this is something I've been wanting to say for a while. I'm kind of s-starting to like you more than a f-friend." It was all very cringe-worthy.

His reaction: Smile. And it melted my soul. Oh god, his SMILE! I think he knew what I was about to say before I even said it because he started smiling before my confession. It was like a broad, happy smile. Not a cocky, arrogant stoner smirk. More like a...happy...grin? Though it could have been a aha-I-knew-it mouth twitch. Still made my soul melt.

Then I narrowed my eyes at him, stopped in the middle of my speech to say: "You know!"
To which he responded with: "No, I didn't."
And I acknowledged with a grunt. All the crazy voices in my head were screaming "LIAR!" though. Somehow I don't think it would have ended too well if the voices were outwardly expressed.

Anyway, after my confession, we started walking somewhere. He asked me, "So...what are you doing now?"
Me: "Oh, nothing much."
Him: "Well, I kind of need to do some work so..."
Me: "Oh cool. I'll talk to you later."
Him: "Yeah." *smile*

So tell me, guys...why the HELL would you ask someone what they're up to, if you're busy anyway?! And like, I didn't even ask him what he was up to, but he blurted out, "Well I'm busy" in response to a question that I never asked. Right now, I'm trying to be a very mature person and not start analyzing his every word, the look in his eye (though I can't remember his eyes because I was staring at the ground for most of the time), his posture, his hair, his clothes, his eye color, his skin, his-basically, I'm trying not to do that crazy thing girls usually do and analyze everything. You know what I'm talking about. But it's so hard! He's such a weird person.

But dear lord, he's adorable:)

I think by writing out the play-by-play events of what happened that day, I have just unconsciously analyzed everything. Dammit!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

You can't carry it with you if you want to survive

For some reason, I've been really wanting to go on vacation. Aaw, who am I kidding? I always want to go on vacation! I'm dreaming of a gorgeously hot place. Like, Egypt. Maybe Hawaii. Definitely Italy! Gawd, I LOVE Italy! Well, I can't really make a judgment because I've never actually been to Italy (sigh) but instead, have always imagined it. I see a lovely hot place, filled with gorgeous smells and people and sights. Because Italian food is always amazing, Italian people are always gorgeous and the whole concept of Italy is always so appealing! At least to ME anyway haha.

A friend of mine and I were seriously considering visiting Verona when summer finally rolls around. Ah, Verona. City of love? Isn't it where Romeo and Juliet was set? I totally love the idea of a disapproved whirlwind romance. It's But I'm very much a hopeless romantic. Heh, just kidding. OK. Maybe not "helpless" as such, but I know I'm definitely one of those girls who fall for guys very fast. Too fast. I swear I'm a hormone-crazed teen! :)

Have you guys ever had a R&J style romance? Is it as adrenaline-releasing as everyone imagines it to be?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All you need is love

Love is a strange thing. It’s defined as “an intense feeling of deep emotion”. You’d think that a strong, powerful rush of emotion such as this would be immediately identified. On the contrary, I think that love is extremely difficult to identify. I think that we spend too much time looking for love that when it finally shows up, we don’t realize it because we think it should be less obvious. I mean, all that time we spent looking for it…it should at least present itself in a more challenging context, shouldn’t it?

You know when people tell you that "you're too young to love"? I think that's absolute bull. I don't believe that there is an age of when you can love. Love can happen at any time! As long as you have a heart and a soul. As long as you can feel. I think that's sufficient.

Have you ever been in love before? I can't say that I have. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't looked for love. I'll admit that I've occasionally found myself peeking around corners in life, wondering if I'll finally come across this red bundle of There's nothing wrong with keeping an eye open, right? Sometimes I wonder how love will present itself to me. Will it be a smooth journey? Or a wildly dangerous mission into a hurricane. Either way, it'll be an experience that I'm sure that I'll never forget.

As a wise bunch of people once said, "All you need is love". Really? Hm.

Share your views and experiences of love!


Monday, February 13, 2012

But I believe in whatever you do

It sucks when you let an opportunity pass you by. Food on a platter that you did not eat. It's like, what kind of crazy psycho weirdo person wouldn't take it? Oh wait, me.

Haha okay, so my little food analogy isn't exactly...relevant. What I meant was it's totally crazy how most of us are those people who don't jump because they're scared to fall. They don't think they'll fly. But you don't know that - you might fly. Then again, you might fall so it's a bit of a 50/50 thing. However sometimes in life, we just gotta throw a knife into the dark and see what happens.

I don't recommend doing this all the time, because it's slightly risky and doesn't come without consequences (as with all things in life), but once in a while? Yes. Do it. Go for it!


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Prepare yourself for a day of chocolates and pink and red stuff everywhere. I'll also be uploading a new cover, dedicated to this romantic day and sharing it with you wonderful people so watch out for it!

Until next time (AKA tomorrow),

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

You were the prince

By the way, I forgot to add that it was Mitsuki's (MitsukiUsagii on Youtube) birthday yesterday! She's 20 now! Yay!

She's the sweetest person I've ever come across. She truly deserves happiness :)


Some advertising for me now. For Valentine's Day, I'm going to do a special song dedicated to all you lovers out there :) Watch out for it!


I miss you, I need you

Hello! How are you all? Hope you've all been well! Sorry that I've been AWOL lately. I keep going off and not posting anything for ages. Without even saying goodbye! I know! What am I like?! Hehe :)

So it's two months into the new year. Are you all keeping your New Year's resolutions? Ehhh? I bet you're not. I know I'm not haha! Well, I am now. Kind of. One of my resolutions was to stop shopping, especially online shopping. I It's just SO addictive. You'll just be browsing, browsing, browsing, not knowing what you want and then BAM. You'll see something and that's it. You want it. You need it. You can't live without it. That, my dears, is the voice of a shopaholic speaking. You've all heard this voice before. I know I definitely have!

Well, all that I know is that I've stopped now. Eventually. Taken me a full month! But I erm kinda have to? With the contents of my bank account rapidly decreasing and a closet filling up...


It's Valentine's Day soon. Are you guys EXCITED? Do you have someone special to share this day with? Ah, love. It's a fickle thing (I actually don't know what that means but I read it in a book somewhere and I'm using it, lawl).

Have you ever met someone who's perfect to you in every single way? Like the exact image of perfection? The vision of heaven? The epitome of intelligence, kindness and beauty? It's really rare, I think. You'll usually find someone with one (or some) but not all qualities. But what is perfection exactly? I don't think you can actually define it. Well, there is a dictionary definition but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean illustrating with an example. Beauty really is subjective.

I've met someone perfect. So perfect that it's unbelievable. He's just so...amazing. So sweet and kind and calm. I mean, he would never pick a fight with anyone, even if they were provoking him. He's kinda smart too. And he's gorgeous. Not that his looks should matter at all. Heh. I always end up going for the tall, dark haired handsome-in-a-geeky-way guys. We'll call him E. Perfect E.

I hope that you all meet someone as perfect as E is to me. Everybody deserves love, even if they're the dickiest dick-like dick in the whole population of Dickland.

P.S. Sorry for my appalling language. Love you all. God bless xoxo

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year!

Hey guys! I just wanted to wish you all a Happy New Year. I hope that you've all had an awesome 2011 and that 2012 will bring even more joy and happiness. So in other words, no matter how much 2011 rocked, let's make 2012 rock even harder!!

I just want to thank my family, friends and all the wonderful people I've met in my life so far. You're all so amazing and I'm so glad that you've come into my life, even if, for some, it was only for a short time. You've helped me SO much; cheering me on, picking me up when I've fallen and lending your shoulders when I'm at my lowest. Without you all, I don't know what I would have done. Thank you for helping me shine and become the person I am today :)

You know when you have those absolutely perfect moments? And what sucks the most is the fact that you chickened out and totally blew off the moment. I know you know EXACTLY what kind of moments I'm talking about. What I want YOU to do this year is to grab those golden moments like grabbing a bull by its horns. I know that it's hard; you're scared, you don't know what's going to happen, but don't you see? That's the whole beauty of life! The not-knowing. We really should catch what life throws us and NOT let those windows of opportunity close because we never know what's around the corner. It could be that thing you've been dreaming about your whole life or it could be your biggest nightmare. Either way, you're gonna learn something at the end of it, and life is all about learning. Thus, at least you know you're going to get something out of it!

Good luck all XX