Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I miss you, I need you

Hello! How are you all? Hope you've all been well! Sorry that I've been AWOL lately. I keep going off and not posting anything for ages. Without even saying goodbye! I know! What am I like?! Hehe :)

So it's two months into the new year. Are you all keeping your New Year's resolutions? Ehhh? I bet you're not. I know I'm not haha! Well, I am now. Kind of. One of my resolutions was to stop shopping, especially online shopping. I It's just SO addictive. You'll just be browsing, browsing, browsing, not knowing what you want and then BAM. You'll see something and that's it. You want it. You need it. You can't live without it. That, my dears, is the voice of a shopaholic speaking. You've all heard this voice before. I know I definitely have!

Well, all that I know is that I've stopped now. Eventually. Taken me a full month! But I erm kinda have to? With the contents of my bank account rapidly decreasing and a closet filling up...


It's Valentine's Day soon. Are you guys EXCITED? Do you have someone special to share this day with? Ah, love. It's a fickle thing (I actually don't know what that means but I read it in a book somewhere and I'm using it, lawl).

Have you ever met someone who's perfect to you in every single way? Like the exact image of perfection? The vision of heaven? The epitome of intelligence, kindness and beauty? It's really rare, I think. You'll usually find someone with one (or some) but not all qualities. But what is perfection exactly? I don't think you can actually define it. Well, there is a dictionary definition but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean illustrating with an example. Beauty really is subjective.

I've met someone perfect. So perfect that it's unbelievable. He's just so...amazing. So sweet and kind and calm. I mean, he would never pick a fight with anyone, even if they were provoking him. He's kinda smart too. And he's gorgeous. Not that his looks should matter at all. Heh. I always end up going for the tall, dark haired handsome-in-a-geeky-way guys. We'll call him E. Perfect E.

I hope that you all meet someone as perfect as E is to me. Everybody deserves love, even if they're the dickiest dick-like dick in the whole population of Dickland.

P.S. Sorry for my appalling language. Love you all. God bless xoxo

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