Monday, February 13, 2012

But I believe in whatever you do

It sucks when you let an opportunity pass you by. Food on a platter that you did not eat. It's like, what kind of crazy psycho weirdo person wouldn't take it? Oh wait, me.

Haha okay, so my little food analogy isn't exactly...relevant. What I meant was it's totally crazy how most of us are those people who don't jump because they're scared to fall. They don't think they'll fly. But you don't know that - you might fly. Then again, you might fall so it's a bit of a 50/50 thing. However sometimes in life, we just gotta throw a knife into the dark and see what happens.

I don't recommend doing this all the time, because it's slightly risky and doesn't come without consequences (as with all things in life), but once in a while? Yes. Do it. Go for it!


Tomorrow is Valentine's Day! Prepare yourself for a day of chocolates and pink and red stuff everywhere. I'll also be uploading a new cover, dedicated to this romantic day and sharing it with you wonderful people so watch out for it!

Until next time (AKA tomorrow),

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